Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I know, I know. I'm thinking of changing this blog from mainly fashion to just a general "me" blog. I think I could post more often and more personal stories. It's not like I publish this blog anywhere or anything, so those who do read it are most likely people I know in offline world. I was just thinking about when I had a Xanga account way back in the day, and I enjoy rereading those entries written by an 18-year-old me moreso than ones that are completely materialistic...

We shall see.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


In addition to this blog, you can also visit my Tumblr and It's new and needs help with its design, but you can still read the posts. They kind of come from all over the place - not so fashion-focused as this one.


P.S. I am interning at WhoWhatWear now, trying to find my way in the fashion world. I need to find it soon!