Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Sand

So filming for the movie officially ended on Monday. Monday was the longest day yet - 17 hours! I didn't know I was even able to work that long! And in 35 degree weather! I don't drink coffee or smoke like most people on set, so I'm not sure if that made the long days even harder for me. The wrap party is tomorrow night at one of the actors' beautiful large Mulholland home, and I'm excited to throw on some girl shoes other than gym sneakers or my Frye boots (don't get me wrong, I love my Frye boots, but I need something feminine!).

In the end, I do wish the movie was a higher budget with a story that required more fashionable wardrobes, but it was a good experience nonetheless. I didn't really get the opportunity to put my opinion into the outfits that were chosen, but that was probably for the best for this first time. I would have attempted to put all the characters in designer runway clothing on a ridiculous budget that would barely cover one pair of Louboutins, and none of the clothing would have fit with the theme of the film! Men don't battle sharks in Gucci, do they?

The photos above are from Monday. I took them during some photoshoots and the interviews.

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