Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Holiday Treats

After two blissful weeks of doing absolutely nothing, my holiday break came to an official end today. Waking up before 1p was actually not the impossible task I imagined it to be. Maybe it's because when I fall asleep knowing I have to wake up early the next day, I don't allow myself to fall into a deep slumber. Whatever the reason, rising before 1p from a bedtime of 3 to 4am proved to be a success.

The break began on the 15th with the WhoWhatWear holiday party at The Churchill. I had received a possible employment opportunity and had just discovered Revlon's Lip Butters in Pink Truffle and was in swell spirits. As was the tradition with holiday parties I had been to in the past, I was expecting food, but instead was surprised and a bit dismayed at the lack of even hors d'oeuvres. The disappointment of delicious sustenance quickly faded as one of the assistants encouraged us to fill up on the open bar. I was wearing what has become my easiest and least creative uniform - severe monochromatic black (superstitious Asian mother would strongly oppose) - and the combination of 5"+ platforms and just a wee bit of champagne nearly caused me a broken face as I left the party. All was good in the end though, a couple other interns and I worked the guest list at a table and had some good conversation.

I had to drop off boyfriend at the airport to fly home for Christmas a few days later, so I was alone in my then-empty apartment the entirety of my first week off. I really didn't mind. There's something comforting and unusually satisfying about being around my things. I never said I wasn't materialistic. I don't see why it has to be a bad thing. Being near my things just gives me pleasure. There's really no good reason why.

Then came the nights of doing nothing until 4am. I love unproductive late nights. I always thought that if the world conducted business at night, I would be function a million times better. I can't even tell you what I did these nights because I honestly don't remember.

And before I knew it, it was Christmas and I was home. I was given gifts although I wasn't able to reciprocate. Someday, when I actually start making money doing something I actually enjoy! The only person I exchanged gifts was with boyfriend, whom received a masculine dark gray Clarisonic Mia to achieve that flawless, pore-free appearing skin he so desires. This plus some Kiehl's Mens Facial Fuel moisturizer. The man does not use lotion. How come they never have to? Ugh.

Anyway, then came my gift. I had a hunch for weeks before finding out what it was he got me. This was mostly based on comments and questions that led to... the Chloe Paraty bag! I'm staring at it on my bed as I write this, though I will probably return this one and get one at the actual Chloe store. He and I went together to Nordstrom to get the last one on their display. I didn't think of it then, but this display bag didn't come with the care booklet or authentication cards. Both aren't very important, but if he's going to spend that much, I'd like to get everything that comes with it just in case. But isn't it pretty? The black isn't the most luscious color, but it's so versatile (love the shoulder strap) and goes with most of my wardrobe perfectly. The one thing I was lacking in my wardrobe was a good, all around bag. I was debating between this and the Celine luggage shopper in the mini size but decided this was better because it has a zipper, shoulder strap, and overall looks best for my current style. I would of course love a Chanel jumbo or simply the 2.55, but it's still far too much. The Celine is still fantastic, however maybe just a tad bit mature for my look right now.

Boyfriend said the bag was a Christmas gift but also a reward for me "taking risks" with my career the past year (and now). Now whenever I'm feeling hopeless, I look at the bag and what it symbolizes, and am instantly re-energized.

And here's to 2012. Hope it's as good as the beginning of it has been.

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