Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A little personal

This is a little off the typical fashion post and a little more personal. I debated on whether to post this on here or not, but not many people read my blog so what the hey. I'll put myself out there.

So recently and for quite a while now actually, I've found myself in a rut. I'm currently in a career that may be great for others, but is definitely not the one for me. I know what I want, but am finding it very difficult without the proper schooling or experience. Unlike others who can do this with financial support from family, I can't just easily give up my current job and do something unpaid or go back to school. I am responsible for my bills and buy everything I own, so working while receiving $0 is not an option. My resume doesn't show my desire to work in a different industry because I haven't really been given the opportunity, and I can't just write something like "I love fashion I want to work in it so much". Most of my fashion experience and knowledge is unprofessional. It comes from way back when, way before I knew that this love could be something that paid for my life, when all I knew was that I liked to dress my dolls and make them pretty.

I wasn't one of those girls who watched The Devil Wears Prada and decided then that fashion was what I wanted to do. Because I am a girl who loves fashion, I was of course glamourized by the images of Anne Hatheway's makeover and the Paris scene with U2's "City of Blinding Lights" playing in the background, but it wasn't anything new to me. I've loved it for as long as I can remember, but was unaware of the career possibilities. I was on a path to get the basic general education necessary to get a "good enough" type of job after college, but really without a focus. When I was going to a 4-year university, did I know what I was going for? No, I just knew I had to go in order to get a job later. I have the job now, but does it satisfy me? Do I wake up excited to go to work? Sometimes I wish I were one of those people who are content in any job they have. Unfortunately for me, I need to be passionate about what I do in order to be happy.

So that is my current conundrum. What to do? I need to find a way, and as my precious boyfriend always reminds me, I'm only getting older (but he does it in a helpful motivating way, not like a "gross, you're getting too old kind of way"). I know I could do a great job if given the chance, and I'd work my ass off, but how do I do that? I just need the opportunity. And winning the lotto or randomly finding a great amount of money wouldn't hurt either. ;)

1 comment:

bemelodious said...

You should remind your "precious boyfriend" that he too is getting older...much older than you. HA HA.