Sunday, April 15, 2012

Food Phase #10

Note: I gave this title food phase #10, but I really don't know what number it is. I've had many.

I'm not sure if this is a normal thing for people, but I go through food phases. Usually these are junk food phases focused on one particular treat, not phases like eating mostly Italian or Mexican food. These phases are characterized by cravings for one particular food item for a number of weeks until I get too sick of them and/or too fat. And during these cravings, nothing else really satisfies and quenches my hunger except that specific item. Past food phases of mine include Hostess Ho-Hos, Hostess Powdered Donettes, Sour Patch Watermelon (while living in New York and encountering them at every newsstand and subway station), Magnolia Bakery banana pudding, Lays Limited Edition California Dill Pickle chips (these sound disgusting but were so delicious, please bring them back), Cadbury Crunchies, and many others I cannot remember at this late Sunday hour.

So my current craving is one that touches my Asianity. Weeks ago sometime in March while my momma was at the physical therapy place in Pomona, I had to pick up some Thai food for her at a nearby Thai restaurant. When I went to pay for the $6 order of wonton soup, I realized that there was a $10 minimum charge requirement. Since I only had a card, the nice lady at the counter said she could charge me for a Thai iced tea w/boba to make it $10. I agreed, and off I went. Once in my car, I took a sip of that Thai drank and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I'd had boba before so it shouldn't have been as surprising of an experience as it was. But for some reason I found it so very delightful.

And so it has become the craving of now. I often go to Volcano Tea here on Sawtelle, and wait in the long lines for an Almond Milk Tea w/ boba. It is delicious. If I'm at my parents' house, I go to a place called Juice Bar for my fix. I stopped at the Sawtelle location tonight on my way back from Temecula. I was wearing a "Pugs not Drugs" shirt, no bra, socks with ballet flats, and my bangs were going all sorts of ridiculous ways. My appearance was completely unacceptable, but I really wanted one and hadn't planned to stop anywhere on my way back to my apartment. The nice thing about Volcano Tea is that they're open super late (1a-2a) so I can go at all sorts of crazy hours.

I am glad this food phase is not as fattening as past phases. What's next? Perhaps something more savory? Some kind of new candy? A new Haagen Dazs flavor?

I will return with food phase #11 when it is known.

Currently listening: Pinback - Penelope
It's a lovely song, but I do think it's a lovely song about a... fish.

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