Monday, July 19, 2010


After a cloudy overcast 4th of July, it finally got hot. And by hot I mean near 100s. That's too hot for me (I prefer 75 ish), so I whipped out my floppy hats and R Kells and I ventured all the way across town to Will Rogers beach. Finally! It was a little overcast there, with the sun forcing its way through the clouds a couple times, but still much better than the melty Hollywood heat.

Afterwards, I made R Kells take us to the new Magnolia Bakery on 3rd St. I was disappointed that this Magnolia didn't have the same charm and lovely buttery fattening scents coming from it like the NY one, but hey, it's still Magnolia, still tasty, and still better than the famed LA Sprinkles. Not sure if it beats my #1 Susiecakes, but we'll see.

I'm so glad it's finally warming up, even if it's too warm for my spoiled weather likings. R Kells and I have our beach Sundays, so this hot weather will translate nicely to the coast. Even though I have issues with driving with the top down in the middle of the day (too hot!), I must say I do enjoy it in the evenings. Driving down Sunset all the way from Hollywood to the ocean is a pleasant carefree escape.

P.S. don't I look so happy in the last picture?

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