Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Watching Forever

This is why events unnerve me...

Back in college, I was so excited to see Marie Antoinette. I was enthralled by the images of elaborate pastel colored gowns, Laduree macaroons, and New Order's "Ceremony". Silly me, I was more wowed by the way the movie "looked" than the actual story. To my dismay, the movie lacked depth. It was just looks, and not much else. Despite its lacking story, I still found the costume and the way it was filmed absolutely breathtaking.

After watching the video above, I almost want to give the film as a whole a second chance. Great style and music has that effect on me.

... and I also love that Marie Antoinette had a pug.

(title of post comes from the song "Ceremony")

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