Saturday, December 09, 2006


I was cruising through Myspace today when I came across this:

Why?! WHY. And the comments people left her about her being "sexi" and "f*ckin hott". WHAT, are these people blind. And is SHE blind? I had to happy face her face out because, well just look at it. THAT IS A SHIRT. No matter how much weight she lost (comments say she lost weight), you should never wear a SHIRT as a dress (unless it's a tunic, which is a different story completely). Her VAGINA is like, a centimeter away from the hem of that shirt! PUT SOME PANTS ON. She could've followed the leggings trend and put some of those on! Even though I don't think leggings work at all with this shirt, and those shoes are just asfheuncdkslel (there are no words), it would've been better than NO pants. If someone had taken a picture from behind, I SWEAR she would have upside down plumber ass. And the cork Soda-ish brand shoes are... well I won't get started with that.

1 comment:

Lauren Messiah said...

That is a horrifying "outfit" I can't even put it into words.