Thursday, October 07, 2010

F21's Burberry Version

UPDATE: Forever 21 just put this jacket up on their site. Get it here.

I visited the Forever21 near work at lunch today and found this great Burberry inspired knockoff. I was EXTREMELY tempted to buy it, but decided to wait and see if I still wanted it once I left the store (so far, yes, yes I do). My biggest issue with this jacket is it's made of funky cheap materials and the brown part should look a little more worn in or have more texture or something. That's what I should expect for a jacket that's $45 and from Forever21, but I tried it on and it looked good! Damn them for making it look even better on! What to do? I also have issues with cheap outerwear - I don't mind buying cheap dresses and tops and things sometimes, but I've always felt outerwear should be a little nicer. Come to think of it though, most of my outerwear is from fast fashion places. That's what happens when you live in Southern California where temperatures rarely dip below...I dunno, 50.

Can always count on F21 to provide the cheapest knockoffs of designer items.

Also, my picture makes the jacket look all dumpy, but it's just the way it was hanging.

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