Monday, November 22, 2010

Let it go

Did anyone brave the rain, cold, and crazy bitches for Lanvin this weekend? I did not. I really love a few of the dresses, but I just couldn't wait in the rain overnight for it. And like I predicted (not that this is anything to be particularly proud of, it was basically a fact), everything is on ebay for double the price or more. Sadness. If only I could have just a couple of the dresses. Just a couple. The floral ruffle tired one from a previous post, the foufy red one (or black) with all the layers of fouf, or the purple one shouldered one. I guess I can see this "loss" in a positive light by knowing that every little fashion lover will own one of these pieces. So it's not completely original and unique. But I still lust!

Alas, I cannot have it all. So I let it go.

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